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Amazing home presentations Creating and building brands

Projects Gallery


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Sabina Leonte

Marketing Manager

Sabina Leonte is a Marketing Unicorn with a background in branding, marketing and business administration, driven to create exquisite brand experiences.

Her focus on branding has lead to contributing to the success of different brand stories, including Wellington, National Bank of Romania, Sodexo, activating in industries such as: Corporate Wellness, Banking, Retail, Tech, Tourism, Mining. Eager to bring value to the community, Sabina has also been involved with Vancouver Startup Week, an organization that aims to connect and help grow the local Startup community, through putting together an action-packed week of events.

Inspired by people and her surroundings, Sabina’s golden trio is represented by creativity, strategy and flexibility, traits which have allowed her to power the development and growth of the projects she has led.

Talk to her about how to create meaningful experiences through engaging the five senses in campaigns and event planning.

Meet the rest of the team
Currently binge watching:

Shades of Blue

Loves To

Dance, travel to explore new places with friends, watch the sunrise, have breakfast, reflect, debate and write down thoughts

Best At

Planning, Communicating, Creating experiences